
Please contact us at

If you are interested in helping Kenilworth achieve Fairtrade status, then we would love you to be involved. Here are a few ways in which you can help:
1) Join the Kenilworth Fairtrade steering group
We meet for an evening once a month, and coordinate plans to make Kenilworth a Fairtrade town. This can involve all kinds of participation, including contacting news agencies and local companies, preparing advertising material and financial planning.
2) Help us canvas local businesses
To achieve Fairtrade recognition, a significant percentage of Kenilworth businesses must offer Fairtrade products. One of the greatest tasks we face is talking to these businesses and encouraging them to use Fairtrade goods. We have packs of materials already prepared, we just need people to deliver the information and answer any questions. The number of businesses you approach is up to you, and we recommend that you start with just a few.
3) Continue to buy Fairtrade products!
If more people are buying and recommending Fairtrade products in Kenilworth, then more shops will have to stock them. Remember to ask for Fairtrade next time you’re having a coffee!

Related links:

The Kenilworth Fairtrade Directory

Kenilworth Fairtrade Facebook Group

The Fairtrade Foundation

Fairtrade Towns Discussion Forum

St John's Church Kenilworth